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KGS Yardım Sayfaları ve Çeviriler

If you want to create any of these pages for your language, you need editing rights.
Just click on any of the links.
Clicking there the 'edit this page'-link takes you to your language's edit page. Try with the sandbox!.

Red: pages linked from CGoban / KGS-client (good to translate first)

Editor’s Resources
Collection of 'short' texts for the hardcoded pages.
Distribute the text to the appropriate pages: the links in the text point to them. (Translation may come later.)

A page in Sensei's Library describes, how to use google as translation tool.

There are pages in the world, which don't belong to KGS, but which describe KGS, the client and it's using in non-english languages:

Scroll down to see the table!

page hardcoded? cz de en es fr jp pl ru tr vi
/help/toc.html autom.built in de en fr jp pl de tr vi
/help/index.html linked from (cs) de en es fr jp (pl) de (tr) vi
/help/app/main.html 6 buttons de en fr jp pl de tr
/help/main.html rooms window (+ anchor 'chatRoom') de en fr jp pl de tr
/help/gameWin.html game / edit (online) de en fr jp de tr
/help/newGameWin.html new game de en fr jp de tr
/help/app/editor.html CGoban and the clients editor de en jp de
/help/app/gameInfoWin.html game info when editing de en ru
/help/setPrefsWin.html set preferences de en fr jp de tr
/help/serverStatsWin.html server statistics de en es fr jp de tr
/help/help.html 'hardcoded', where? (de) (en)
/help/playback.html This page (hardcoded!) is called from the
audio lecture window, but has there the name
playback.xhtml (not possible to create
a page with that name-extension)
/help/admin.html en fr de
/help/ask_game.html en jp de
/help/automatch.html de en fr jp ru
= create account, register



pl ru
/help/disputing.html (de page = + engl. text) de
/help/editable.html (same text in English) de
/help/gametypes.html de en fr jp de tr
/help/gmt.html Greenwich MeanTime ru
/help/handicap.html fr
/help/installjava.html (~FAQ, troubleshoot) vi
/help/KGSinLinux.html in Linux/Unix (~FAQ, troubleshoot) vi
/help/Logo_icones.html (~FAQ) de en fr de
/help/Menus.html fr
/help/automatch_menu.html fr
/help/file_menu.html fr
/help/help_menu.html fr
/help/kgsplus_menu.html fr
/help/rooms_menu.html fr
/help/user_menu.html fr
/help/mini_QandR.html = mini-FAQ, mini-QandA fr
/help/netiquette.html en fr de
/help/new_simple.html fr
/help/playing.html de en fr jp de tr
/help/premierpas.html = first time de fr
/help/rank.html de en fr jp de tr
/help/regional.html collection of regional or
language specific rooms
/help/rmath.html de en fr jp de tr
/help/rulesets.html (ruelsets?) de en fr jp de tr
/help/signes_droite.html = signs-on-the-right ('?' beside the rank, ~FAQ) fr de
/help/teaching.html de page = engl.text de ru
/help/tilde.html de en fr de
/help/timesystems.html de en fr jp ru tr
/help/userinfo.html de
/help/vncafe.html Vietnam Café vi
/help/watching.html de en de
/help/faq/chatroomHowTo.html alias /help/create_room.html de ru
/help/faq/escapers.html de en es jp de tr
/help/faq/fonts.html the fonts help, in english de ru
/help/faq/index.html extensive FAQ, translated to English de en es fr ja ru tr
/help/faq/shortcuts.html CGoban shortcuts, translated to English de de
/help/faq/tournament.html play, organise, broadcast
(part translated from glue's page, French)
/help/faq/troubleshooting.html techn.problems de en es ja ru tr
Editor's Resources
/help/helpEditors.html 'we need translators' de en fr pl tr
/help/helpDiscussion.html de page = editor's FAQ (engl.) de en tr
/help/allPages.html overview: all pages, all languages de
/help/statistics.html help pages calls statistic (hit counts) de
shortHelp: 'small' collection of content
for the 'hardcoded' pages
(all versions = engl.content!) and FAQ



Sandbox for 'playing' with formatting
de page = formatting tricks (engl.)



/help/chat.html (not yet)
/help/sanctions.html (not yet)
/help/typingvn.html (not yet) Typing non-english characters
(~FAQ, troubleshoot)

Edit this page (requires admin or translator privilege)