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Düzenleyici: Araçlar ve Seçenekler

Bir oyun kaydında düzenleme yapma yolları:

* Offline create or edit an sgf-file from your harddisk
* Online create a game record by setting up a demo game
* Play a teaching game, stop game for discussing moves and variations and later play on
* Upload an sgf-file to KGS for a demo game
* Review a game with your opponent or observers after the game has ended or load it from a player's games list for review
* Clone an ongoing game from the game window to try out and discuss, without disturbing players and observers (later moves from the game become added to the game tree)
* View an ongoing game offline (later moves do not become added)

Kullanılabilir araçlar:

Move (F1): ctrl-shift-click on the board changes actual colour
Edit (F2) (crosscut-icon): Set up a position, shift-click for white stones
Score (F3) (yinyang-icon): mark territory (only for exactly fenced in territory) click on stones to mark as dead, shift-click to unmark from dead; unmark territory with ctrl-shift-click on one marker
Markers (F4-F6): triangle, square, circle
Labels (F7): A...Z as sequence, free labels with shift-click (abc, 123, !, %, ?,...) restrict yourself to 2 characters per label
Number (F8): 1-80 as sequence, move number with shift-click
(online:) give (ctrl-g) / take (ctrl-t) editing control, set players
(offline:) cut and paste parts of the game tree, up and down changes hierarchy of variations (actual stone needs to be first of the variation)


edit the game info (offline)
estimate score
view named nodes (related to sgf game record format: every move and set up position is a node and can get a name, offline)
print the actual position (offline)
merge files (e.g. problems to a collection, offline)
number moves (offline)
mark variations (offline)

Teaching issues are described in detail.

As example the typical view of a game file in sgf-format, seen in a text editor:
(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[5.00]TM[10800]OT[10x120 byo-yomi] PW[Old Master]PB[Grand Master]WR[6d]BR[5d]DT[1963-04-03]GC[exceptionel!]EV[Garden Games]RE[W+1.00];B[od];W[qp];B[de];W[cp];B[qd])

Remark for loading a game file: if the game result has been written with another program, CGoban may display an error message, when the result doesn't have a fixed format.
Shown by a text editor (sgf is a text-only format):

RE[W+0.50] is o.k., but not RE[W+0,5], not RE[W + 0.5], not RE[White+0.5])
RE[W+resign] (o.k.)
RE[?] (is o.k., but not RE[unknown])
RE[0] (is o.k., but not RE[jigo])
RE[void], RE[no result] ( both o.k.)
RE[W+Forfeit] (o.k.)
RE[W+Time] (o.k.)

Extensive info on the sgf file format can be found at

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