Games (all times are in GMT, click to choose your time zone):
If you are entered in a tournament, please make sure that you have read the KGS tournament guide.
19×19 McMahon, Simultaneous Schedule, No Handicap. The bars are set at 2k and 1k: so at the beginning, there will be a super dan and 1k group, a 2k group, and a group with the other kyu. Remember, this is McMahon, meaning sandbaggers will have a lower score! So there will be few chances to get a 30k paired to a 9d! The system will pair the strong player together and the 2k- together, at least in the first rounds! If you don't like McMahon system, please don't join!
Some non-KGS Plus members are allowed (40 to division 1, 20 to division 2). KGS Plus members who fullfill the conditions below are always welcome.
This McMahon tourney is limited to regular rated games players on KGS:
People who do not fullfill those conditions but register anyway may be disqualified anytime (before the tournament starts, during a game, during a round, or even once all the rounds are over). A disqualified player will have no prize and won't be allowed to enter upcoming tourneys.
IMPORTANT: you are allowed to attend only one division (out of the 2 ones). The Tournament Director for this tournament is the admin glue.
Sponsored by KGS, Kiseido, AyGoSchool and the Korean-style insei league
McMahon (bars at 2k and 1k), Simultaneous Schedule.