Games (all times are in GMT, click to choose your time zone):
If you are entered in a tournament, please make sure that you have read the KGS tournament guide.
McMahon (bars at 10k and 1d), Simultaneous Schedule. The time settings are 15 min plus byo yomi, with six rounds, three per day, spaced one hour apart.
The tournament is limited to regular players on KGS: they must enter with their strongest account, they must have played fair games for at least 6 weeks, and they must have in their user information at least 30 rated games played before July 28th (for instance: having played the 30 games in the last week won't be accepted). Also people who have been previsouly disqualified from a KGS tourney are not allowed. People who do not fullfill those conditions but register anyway may be disqualified anytime (before the tournament starts, during a game, during a round, or even once all the rounds are over). A disqualified player will have no prize and won't be allowed to enter upcoming tourneys.
30 non-KGS Plus members per division will be allowed. KGS Plus members are always welcome.
Note that this is a McMahon tournament, so people with lower ranks start with less points, but they get more balanced games. If you don't like that type of tournaments, skip this month tourney!
IMPORTANT: you are allowed to attend once and only one division (out of the 2 ones) and are expected to use your strongest account on KGS. Contact glue if your KGS Plus account is not your strongest account.
Sponsored by KGS, Kiseido, AyGoSchool and the Korean-style insei league
McMahon (bars at 10k and 1d), Simultaneous Schedule.