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Unfinished Games
If you are the first to leave a ranked unfinished game, then you are marked as an escaper. But when is a game "unfinished"? The first two bullets below answer this question. The third bullet answers this question when your opponent is a bot.
- If you leave a rated game before the first move is played, are you marked as an escaper?
- It depends.
- If the game is an automatch, the answer is, "Yes."
- If the game is not automatch, the server will ask white if he wants to save the game.
- If you are white and you answer, "Yes," then you will be marked as an escaper.
- If you are black and your opponent answers, "Yes," then you will be marked as an escaper.
- From a technical viewpoint, it depends on if the game is saved on server or not. If the game is not saved, then the game is destroyed. If the game is an automatch, then it is saved and an escaper mark is made. If the game is rated but not automatch, then the server will ask white if he wants to save the game, and it will depend on white's choice.
- The game has not started until it is saved on the server.
- If you leave a rated game before you have pushed the "done" button are you marked as an escaper?
- Yes.
- The game is not over until both players have pushed their "done" buttons.
- If you escape while playing a ranked game against a bot, are you marked as an escaper?
- There is no difference for games played against bots, they are treated as any other game.
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